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Success story - Louis

Louis, a Year 9 student, attended one of our online programmes. He presented with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) challenges, and Speech, Language, or Communication Needs (SLCN).


Louis was particularly vulnerable to stress and anxiety and could get easily frustrated if he didn’t understand something. He liked a structured routine and needed extra time to process verbal information.


Louis scored 17% in our start of programme test. It was noticeable that he had difficulty in connecting with the maths content and sustaining attention. However, it was clear that when Louis was provided with opportunities to ask questions and clarify doubts he was able to demonstrate greater engagement. 

Remote Learning

Louis showed an eagerness to ask questions when he didn’t understand, indicating a desire to learn, although he needed additional time to process and respond.

MathsMakers Online Tutorial Approach:


  • Structured Routine and Clear Expectations: Consistency and structure were key for Louis. By outlining clear tutorial objectives and using visual schedules, the tutorials offered a predictable environment. Louis benefitted from this routine, knowing what to expect and having time to prepare mentally for each tutorial meant he was less anxious.


  • Extra Time and Scaffolding: Louis was allowed extra time to process and respond to questions. The use of scaffolding—offering gradual support that is removed as students gain confidence— was embedded into the tutorial structure.


  • Multimodal Resources: The tutorials included visual aids, whiteboard and slides to support deeper engagement and understanding. By offering the content in various formats, Louis had multiple pathways to engage with the material, reinforcing learning and making concepts more accessible.


  • Feedback and Self-Assessment: During the tutorials, Louis was provided with instant feedback via chat functionality which allowed him to assess his own progress and feel more in control of his learning.

Outcome and Progress:

By the end of the programme, Louis’s performance had increased significantly, scoring 50% in our final test. His engagement rose steadily throughout the programme and it became clear that he could manage his workload and expectations when he was given enough time and support to do so. Louis reported feeling more confident and less stressed during tutorials, indicating that the additional time for processing and the multimodal approach were effective in reducing cognitive overload.

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